Sunday, February 22, 2009

5 Days And Counting

I am here as a mother of four....and a smoker. I have been inspired by Barb to improve my quality of life, and the life of my children and join her in her journey to become a non-smoker.

I have made a deal with my mother. After reading Barb's posts and learning the effects of quitting in the first three days, my mom has agreed to take my children for me for 3 days (since that is how long Barb said it took her to quit feeling the insane cravings and feeling like she was crawling out of her skin) to allow me to "withdrawl" and keep my children from that wrath.

I will admit this; I'm not looking forward to it. Suffice it to say, my life has not been "non-stressful" in any way, shape or form, and smoking is my coping mechanism. I fear how I will handle my stress when I can't walk out the door for five minutes and have the momentary release. Those who don't smoke can not comprehend the true release that provides.

But I am a single mom. I am all they have. Well....I am not all they have....but my mother has no desire to raise them. And I don't blame her. And I have no desire to leave my children. And the additional "pocket change" that the cessation of this habit could provide would be a nice "raise".

I have been invited on a ski weekend with some friends. None of whom smoke and none of whom know that I smoke. It is a two day trip. My mother has agreed to take my kids for that trip plus one additional day to give me that time to survive those first three hellacious days and protect the kids from the inevitable irritable-ness that I will experience.

I don't anticipate that this is going to be easy in any sense of the word. But Barb did it. And I am hoping that with her support, and the support everyone has given her, and the Good Lord's help, I can kick this habit (that I have tried to kick so many times before) and begin a healthier lifestyle for me and my kids. I am putting it out there so that you can help keep me accountable.

Yikes. I'm scared.

The ski trip commences on Friday. My 3 days will be up on Monday. That leaves me 5 days to mentally prepare myself for this challenge.

The countdown has begun......


Dawn said...

Following and praying!! And passing the word along!

Barb said...

I'll support you 100% Kristen, because I know you can do this. I plan to let my readers know you need their prayers. I'll always be convinced it was the #1 contributing factor for me and Rob.

I've been very clear that the first three days are the key to success. I honestly believe if you can not have a single cigarette, not one single cigarette, for three full days, you can quit smoking. After that, it's just a habit you need to break, not a gut wrenching physical craving.

So yes, you can do this, and you are very blessed that your mom will watch the kids for you until the worst is over. You'll still be uptight and snappy, after the three days, but you'll be in much better shape to control yourself.

Good luck. I'm praying for you, and I plan to get the prayer warriors on board for you too. They, literally, saved my life.

Pam said...

Came over from Barb's this morning, Kristen. Know I used to follow your blog a long time ago and happy to find you embarking on this wonderful choice on behalf of your precious daughters.

May the Lord give you the strength for each moment of this journey. He will light your path, but don't anticipate even more than the next step. That's all you will need. Know that He will wrap His arms about you and hold you close, both literally and via the prayers of His people.

Can't wait to see the victory He will bring as you are obedient to Him. YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Unknown said...

I'm here via Barb, too. Isn't she so amazingly forthcoming? I love that about her. I'm not a smoker but her detailed posts seem to answer a lot of questions about all the scary stuff! I'm praying for you. You are doing a wonderful thing for yourself.

Denise said...

I came over from Barb's just to say hi. I am 45 yrs old and have never smoked .. well I tried it once when I was 16 but lucky for me I didn't like anything about it. I can only imagine how hard quitting smoking is for some people... of course it's hard, to quit any kind of habit must be hard. I wish you well on your journey and have lifted you up in prayer today. May you be richly blessed on your journey and may God give you the strength you need on those days you need it.

Unknown said...

Hi Kristen - I'm a blog friend of your mom's and Barb's and I am behind you on this all the way. You can do it! I am so excited for you to have made this decision - you will be in my prayers! You go girl!

Girl Raised in the South said...

Honored to be praying for you - I'll just pray for you every time I pray for Barb and Rob. xoxo

GrammaGrits said...

Overy from Barb's, too. Will be praying for you every time you come to mind. You can do it with God's help. Pray every time the craving hits.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I'm here via Barb too. I'm an ex smoker and mother of 2 crazy boys. YOU CAN DO THIS!! If I can do it, anyone can. It's not easy, but once you break the actual habit of smoking (in the car, with coffee, when stressed, to relax) and you life doesn't revolve around it or the cravings for it, you will be fine. I quit cold turkey and that's the best way. Rip that band aid right off. You will feel so much better, smell so much better and your babies will love you for it. I'll be praying for you!!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

I am so excited and proud of you for taking this huge step! I wish you all the luck in the world and I too know that you have the strength to do this! I'll be checking in on you!

Oh, and hey, 3 days, no kids and ski trip is awesome!!

Sarah said...

Even naming your blog this is a great step in the right direction--claim what you know you want!! I'm Barb's niece and am SO excited that she has quit; I bet your mom is thrilled! Best wishes to you, and I'll join everybody else praying for you!!

Robin in New Jersey said...

You can do this Kristen!

Praying a big blessing for you!

Melissa said...

I agree with Chupie and J's mama up there. Cold Turkey is the way to go. That's how I quit and the only thing you need to remember is "Never Take Another Puff".

Even when you're thinking that just one won't hurt, remember this is an addiction just like any "street" drug, heroin, crack, cocaine. You cannot ever smoke again.

What got me through was not wanting to "waste" the time I'd already put into my quit. When I was two hours in, I didn't want to waste that two hours, when I was 72 hours in, I didn't want to waste that 3 days. Every time you take just one puff, you have to repeat that first 72 hours of detox. NOT worth it for me.

You'll be in my prayers. If you need additional support from those who have been there and done that, check out the website for "Why Quit?" ... and, nope, I'm not affiliated with them. I'm just another ex-smoker who wants to see you succeed!!! :)

You go girl! You can do it!!!

Melissa said...

Oh, and I came through Barb's site, as well. Sorry for not introducing myself before running my mouth! :)

Melissa in FL

Peggy said...

I found you through Barb's blog. I'm rooting for you! I'll keep praying for you daily. I'm so very proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Found your site through Barb's, I'll be praying for you!

Shawna said...

You can do this. I know you can. You have very good reasons for quitting - your daughters. I pray God blesses you and keeps you strong through this.

Sam said...

Hey Kristen,

You seriously can do this! I quit smoking about 7 years ago. I had only smoked for about 5 years, so I don't pretend to know what it's like to quit after 40 years like Barb has. But still, it was a habit for me and one that was hard to break. Hard, but totally manageable. I know that you can do this. Just take it one moment at a time. Keep yourself busy. And remind yourself constantly that it won't always be hard. You WILL get to the point where you truly don't even think about cigarettes. I can honestly say that I wouldn't smoke a cigarette now if someone paid me. I think they are beyond disgusting. And soon you will too! I am keeping you in my prayers and I am so, so happy for you.


GrammaMack said...

Praying for you right now (and also here from Barb's).

Tina said...

So happy to "see" you again - I followed your personal blog a while ago.

I'm certain you can do this! I'll be praying for you often.

Sending *hugs*

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hi Kristen. I'm joining with the rest of these ladies to tell you, you can do this! I quit smoking years ago but I was never truly hooked. I could lay them down anytime and I finally decided, why spend all that money on something I didn't really enjoy? I was 21 when I started smoking and quit smoking.

But my parents both smoked like chimneys and both died from lung cancer, less than 4 months apart. I hate that cigarettes took them from us much too early and caused them so much suffering. Mama quit 25 years ago after smoking for over 40 years. Cancer still got her, but I wonder how long she would have lived if she hadn't quit when she did.

Do this for your kids, but also for yourself. You deserve better health, Kristen. And as you say, that money you save will be a wonderful bonus to quitting.



NHizName said...

Hi Kristen...coming over from Barb's and praying for you as you go thru this. I quit more than 12 yrs. ago and had smoked for more than 30 yrs. I enjoyed smoking...loved it as a matter of fact but became convicted that not only was it bad for my health but also a bad testimony as a Christian. If I can quit anyone can believe me, because I have no will power when it comes to these things. Some dear Christian women in my Sunday school class at the time prayed me thru.
If you need any help or encouragement please feel free to email me at

Judith said...

Kristen, This is Barb and Bev's Mom again.

I've been thinking about you ever since I read from Barb's blog that you're quitting cigs. I so understand all the things you must be feeling about this.
Before I really quit I kind of tried to a few times, but it was more a wish than an "I am going to do this",

You mentioned how hard it will be, not taking smoke breaks anymore. I'm a nurse, and it's hard to even take a few minutes for a break. Those of us who smoked would say "I'm taking a breather", not even thinking about how that sounded, just needing to get away from work for our sanity. My main incentive to quit was the price kept going up. Whatever spurs you to do this, be glad for the reason, and know there's a whole lot of us eager to see you do it.

Barb, of course, even if I am her mom, is some kind of wonderful. Have you noticed how much happier, and up beat she is now.

I'll try to not preach here. Just know that there are hundreds of women connected by our blogging who are truly rooting for you. Do what works for you. get through the first hour, and take it from there. Now that society is less willing to put up with it, you'll find even more people hoping you make it, and like my daughter, Barb said. It was the prayers, the numerous prayers that strengthened her to do it.

Gretchen said...

Go Kristen! God be with you all the way. I'll pray for you each time you come to mind. What lucky, blessed children you have. Their mommy sounds like "good people to me". Hang in there! You can do it!

Stacy P. said...

Good luck and know that thousands are praying for you...YOU CAN DO THIS and God will see you through!!
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Kristen - I wondered what had happened to you! I was a fairly regular reader of your old blog - and just lost track of you (If I have the right lady - your Mom is Dawn of 'Grandma Dawn...(?)

GOOD LUCK!!! I lost both of my parents years ago from smoking - and now my girls and will never get to know them. Thank you for doing this for you, AND for your family! I am so PROUD of you for taking this huge step! You are God's kid - and you ARE WORTH IT!!
